Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Busy Week!

Well, this is a very busy time for me, but I thought I would write a quick hello anyway. I am doing some sub work for two accounts this week. It is a little crazy, but will bring in some extra money. Tomorrow I will be decorating for the Christmas banquet at the church. I always enjoy the trouble we get into doing that. Friday I will be working at the school as usual. Mrs. Sarah Miller is scheduled to be induced that morning so Bro. Miller will not be there (Unless something happens before then). They are great kids though and haven't given me any problems in the past. Friday evening is the banquet. We always have a great time and I'm looking forward to it. Saturday will be filled with lots and lots of paperwork and hopefully a little cleaning. My mom will be here next week and will spend several weeks with us. After that she will be in and out for a little while before heading off to the other side of the state and some up in Canada. Please keep praying for her leg. Being in the car is very hard since she can't stretch it out like she needs to.
I get lots of inquiries about how I'm doing since last Tuesday's visit to the dentist. Actually a visit would have been shorter. It was more of an extended stay!!!! Anyway, I am doing very well. The only time I have any problems at all is if something is too hard to chew, or (as I figured out the other night while out with my friends) if I laugh too much. My jaw gets tired quickly. I can still talk just as much though so don't worry. I just have to get more talking done in a shorter amount of time. All in all though I'm doing wonderful and I thank you all for your prayers and help.
I will have to sign off for now. Have a wonderful day and I'll talk at you later.


Unknown said...

I'm glad that you are better, did Rachel's box arrive?

McMom said...

I am so glad you are better!! Enjoy the time with your Mom!