Wednesday, April 16, 2008


Well, this week at our house has been interesting. It has actually been a little frustrating. I took Hailey in last Wed. because she had the symptoms of a bladder infection. Of course the doctor agreed with me that something was wrong, but there is no bladder infection. If I want to bring her back in a couple of days (and spend another $100) I can feel free to do that. Thankfully her fever is gone and she is doing better. By Sunday afternoon Natalie was very tired and had a high fever. We stayed home Sunday night, but went to school on Monday. Monday after school we realized that it probably would have been better to stay home. Tuesday morning I made a doctor's appt. He looked in her throat and told me how bad it looked and I was right, it looked just like strepp. The thing is that the strepp test came back negative, but in two days they would have the other test in and we would know for sure. In the meantime she has kept a fever and is missing school. About the time the other test comes back NEGATIVE she will most likely be doing better. I love to pay money for someone to pat me on the back and tell me what a good job I'm doing and to keep it up. I could probably get it free somewhere else, but why when you can pay for it. Ok, I think I'm done complaining. I'll let you know what the results of the strepp test is when it comes back. Have a good day.


McMom said...

It is frustrating trying to help our kids when they are sick! I hope she feels better soon and if the strep culture is growing something that they will call sooner rather than later.

Unknown said...

We got to figure out how to get you guys some medical insurance.

Something is wrong with our country when a man working full time with a family can't have medical insurance after several years with the same company.