Saturday, September 22, 2007

Today I wanted to clean my jewelry, so I asked Aunt Sylvia for some jewelry cleaner and then after I had cleaned my ring I told Aunt Sylvia that this was a special ring and the story behind it. I first got the ring from Cara a long time ago after we’d know each other a short time. It was one of the most special gifts I’d ever received. I went off to college and the ring got broken. Cara took it back and when she gave it to me again I found that she had altered it to include a beautiful opal and two little diamonds. Unfortunately after some time I knocked the opal against something and it cracked. Cara took it back again and this time it had an amethyst stone in it. As much as I love and appreciate my ring I love and appreciate the lady behind it far more. She’s my dear sister and friend.


McMom said...

Awwww!!! I have a ring with an amethyst in it that cara gave me long ago too! I wore it when I had to send my wedding rings to be put together before my wedding! Cara Bear is a dear ,wonderful sister and friend!

You are too sweetie!! I love you both very much!!!!

us said...

That is such a sweet story. It is those kind of things that make our lives with family so special.

Unknown said...


I love you all!