Friday, January 16, 2009

Has it really been so long since I've posted. The last two weeks have flown by. School is back in session so that means back to the reality of getting up in the morning. Thankfully some of the snow has melted off so it isn't quite such a pain to get around. The first semester ends on Monday and I can't believe it. It seems like school just started up. Natalie is halfway through her 2nd grade year and even scarier is that Rachel will start kindergarten in the fall. That should be an interesting adventure. Anyway, life has been slightly busy. I'm learning more and more that God allows things in our lives so that we can help others. Sometimes circumstances of life are painful, but God makes us stronger through them. Now it is my responsibility with God's help to pour myself into making a difference in the lives of others. What an awesome responsibility it is, but even more it is a privilege. God wants to use me and that is amazing!

Well, we are back to Hailey being sick. She is spiking temperatures over 103. She seems fine with the medication, but as soon as it wears off she is miserable. Thankfully there are no problems with breathing so far. I'm watching her closely though so we don't have the lungs functioning under normal capacity this time. She is definitely my weakest one when it comes to illness. Just pray that she will get better and grow stronger. I pray that all is well with each of you. Have a very blessed day.


Unknown said...

Poor Little Hailey! I sure hope that she starts feeling better soon. This cold weather surely can't be helping.