Monday, May 12, 2008

Hello Friends and family,
Life has been very busy around here and most likely won't slow down until the end of the school year. I wouldn't trade it for anything (Except for a full night of sleep). I love what I do. In my wildest dreams I wouldn't have guessed how much I would love working with the teenagers. They have absolutely blessed my life.

I do have a story for you. (my real reason for writing tonight). For those of you who know Rachel, you will know that this is very typical for her. For those of you who don't, please enjoy a laugh and know that my life is very interesting with her around. First let me say that I have no idea why she has been getting up in the night, but she is getting hard pressed for good excuses to be out of bed at three in the morning. I'm not at the peak of my patience at three in the morning either. Well, I had already been up at about one because Hailey had made a river out of her bed. (That is not an exaggeration either.) I had gotten her cleaned up and by then of course she was in my bed. Having Hailey in bed doesn't make for the greatest sleeping accommodations. She kicks all the blankets down and we spend the night pulling them back up. So you can see that by the time Rachel made it down at the lovely time of three I was not in the mood for anything. Rachel came in crying (as usual) telling me that she wanted in my bed. (Did I mention that Hailey was already taking up three fourths of the bed) Anyway, there was no way. She proceeded to tell me how scared she was. I asked her what she was scared of. (I'm not completely heartless, I was slightly concerned). Rachel told me that her cheek was making noise and it scared her. I guess it doesn't matter what time it is, it takes awhile to process many of her statements so I asked that stupid question, "What did you say?" She said, "My cheek is making noise, Listen." She made some noise and started crying. So tell me, What would you do? I sent her to bed and told her I would listen again in the morning. she never did go to her bed. She slept on the couch. I guess her cheek was quieter downstairs.


McMom said...

Oh my Jackie, that is funny!!! I am not sure what I would do about it! Ask lots of questrions in the morning!

Unknown said...


Those air bubbles in her teeth must be scary in the middle of the night.

My cheeks are quieter in the living room too........

One day, mother, you will get some sleep.

Christine said...

That is so funny! Did you ever find out what noise her cheeks were making?