Friday, June 1, 2007

A kind and wonderful man

I met Dick McPherson last year, and Immediately was impressed by what a kind, gentle and caring man he was.

He and Nora immediately were friends of mine. I have enjoyed spending time with them.

I am sad to know he is gone, but we had a conversation recently where we both marveled at how fortunate he has been to live so long with the one he loves, to enjoy relatively good health and to be independent and able to pretty much do as he pleased. Few people enjoy all of these blessings into their 90's.

I am also glad to know that when he passed, he did so with many many relatives around him not only for his sake but for his wife. She has all of her strength and support right there today.
Again, I feel he looked out for her and provided for her. Like he always has.

I will miss you Dick. You are truly a kind and wonderful man.


us said...

Dick I did not know you well but I knew of you and the family was very blessed to have you for a Father, Grand Father, Husband and friend. We wil be seeing you in the future. Ladyrich

McMom said...

We love you Grandpa and will miss you very much!!!!