Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Here it is, Late at night again and I'm still up. I just finished up with the paperwork that I have so the only thing I will have tomorrow is the new stuff they give me. It feels great to be caught up on that. I have all the kids laundry from upstairs to get done though. I'm going to try to go through it and reorganize it all at the same time. Their clothes get to be such a mess. I guess if its not one thing its another. I have been working hard to stay caught up on the chores around here and part of that is teaching them to pick up after themselves. It takes longer right now, but if they can catch on to the idea it will pay off later. Natalie does pretty well, but I think Rachel will just be Miss Disorganization for awhile. Hailey is still a bit young to know exactly which way she will go. Speaking of Hailey, she is doing much better. No fever for a couple of days now. I'm not sure what caused it, but it was scary having it go so high.

Natalie has all A's for this quarter. I'm so proud of her. I know she works hard. She tends to melt down if she thinks somethings not PERFECT! For the semester she averaged all A's and one B. I think she has done a wonderful job. She doesn't struggle academically much, but she does struggle with feeling very self conscious. At school she is a very different girl than at home. In our home she is very out going and bubbly. At school she holds back and won't do anything that she thinks someone might consider silly. Getting up in front of her class is very difficult for her. Hopefully over time she will open up a bit more.