Sunday, January 18, 2009

Hailey (and other things) Update

For those of you wondering how our Hailey is doing here it is. She started with the very high fevers on Thursday night and continued at about 103 until yesterday (saturday). As of yesterday she was actually worse. She was topping out at about 105 and her whole little body was red. I think she is probably sick of baths by now. She had a very high fever this morning at 5:30 so I gave her more IB. We stayed home from church, but she really didn't go back up through the day so we went to help with the Patch Club stuff. Just before we left I could tell she was going to go back up so we only stayed for the beginning. By the time we got home she was 101. I'm so thankful it seems to be taming down now, but we will see what the night holds. She likes to spike up when she is sleeping a lot of times. Over all though, today was a much better day and she actually was playing and wanted off of my lap.

Patch Club did a wonderful job tonight. Rachel did her very first solo. (No, I couldn't find my camera). I was so proud of her. She even managed to not dance while she sang it. I don't think she was nervous at all. She LOVES the spotlight. Natalie was in her first skit tonight too. She memorized the part on her own and did great. She was a little more nervous, but carried through and I'm so proud of her too. I'm not sure how she stayed standing because her legs were twisted some weird way and she was standing on the sides of her feet. My feet would have to be broken to do that. They are all great kids and I love them so much. God has truly blessed me.